Claims that plants are able to feel, communicate, listen and react were first made over 150 years ago. Intriguing research was performed in the 1960’s by CIA interrogation specialist and pioneer, Cleve Backster. With a modified polygraph machine, Backster was able to measure emotional response patterns in plants when subjected to external stimulation like watering. Today, mainstream science generally states that because plants lack a central nervous system, they have no sensation of pain or other emotions.
Perhaps you think the notion of plants having feelings is “LA LA LAND.” Skepticism is healthy. Believe nothing, until you have been convinced it is true. But please don’t close your mind. Humans can see only a small portion of light and only hear a narrow frequency of sound. Our sense of smell is rudimentary at best. Most of what exists is invisible to us. So let’s question everything but keep an open mind to the possibilities that lay before us in this amazing world we inhabit. We see so little.
In 1983 two studies documented that willow, poplar and sugar maple trees can warn each other of attacking insects. Using volatile organic compounds (VOC’s), not only could their neighbors be made aware of marauding predators coming, they in turn could release more VOC’s that repel the intruders. Wait, trees can speak, listen and interpret, not only among species but intra-species as well???
It appears so, but the scientific community was not convinced and called it bunk. So, muted by the rigidity of Darwinian Theory, no one heard the flora’s perfumed cloud of conversation. The plants continued to speak and listen and fight the good fight. Another plant pioneer, Ted Farmer discovered plants also communicate with electrical impulses. Zoologist David Rhodes in the 1980’s discovered voltage changes in the tissue of Arabidopsis Thaliana as Egyptian Cotton Leaf worms were released to consume the plant’s leaves. Simultaneously, Jasmonal acid was produced and acted as ion regulation receptors – like animal systems that relay sensory signals throughout the body. Did I mention Rhodes is a zoologist, i.e. the study of animal life, and drew parallels to plant and animal nervous systems??? He also found Sitica Willows reducing nutritional leaf tissue quality when attacked by caterpillars and web worms. These worms consequently grew slower. What is really cool is neighboring trees heard about the attack, and although they were not invaded, reduced their nutritional leaf quality as well. Still, the research establishment and eminent biologists were not convinced and picked the studies apart. The notion that plants are sentient beings on some level through multiple communication pathways again fell on deaf ears. Then in 2000 another study came to light documenting Sagebrush plants whose leaves were clipped and consequently became resistant to herbivores. The VOC compound released again not only worked on the same species but others as well. Neighboring Tobacco plants emitted the defensive enzyme Polyphenol Oxidase to thwart any oncoming attacks. This kind of thing, interspecies communication, throws Darwin on his ear – or nose if you will! Researchers suggest that plants may be eavesdropping rather than actively listening. The VOC’s are a language of scents where compounds are combined to form words and sentences and effective communication. Biologists have not come close to deciphering this code.
In Israel at Ben-Gurion University researchers produced convincing evidence of communication through root systems. Pea plants were put into a drought stress. Naturally, stomata closed. The fascinating thing was within an hour, although neighboring pea plants were not under any drought induced water stress, these plants shut down their stomata as well. Researchers are convinced it is a root exudate, a chemical, most likely ABA or Abscissic acid.
Other researchers published in Ecology Letters, July 2013 documented plants using an underground network of connecting fungi to effectively communicate. This bio-internet connects plant roots together via an intricate web of hyphae into common myclelial networks (CMN). This beneficial mycorrhizal fungi provides Nitrogen and Phosphorous nutrients to the roots in exchange for sugars. Now however, an added benefit to this already synergistic relationship is an incredibly effective way to communicate over distances between plants.
Corn plants make clicking sounds when roots find moisture, and as a result, other roots begin growing towards the moisture. Did you hear that?
Plants can talk to insects as well. Maize attacked by Armyworms can send out VOC’s attracting predatory wasps that lay eggs in the caterpillar bodies. Hummingbirds, ants, microbes, moths and even tortoises react to these VOC’s.
Are you a believer yet? Can you admit to the possibility of plants as sentient beings on some level? It has been demonstrated plants communicate quite effectively through many channels: airborne volatiles, root contact, fungal networks, acoustics, chemically and electronically. Respected scientists that denied these communication pathways a few years ago would hard-pressed to do so today. Darwinian evolutionists cannot explain how complex communication systems and networks exist between different species, let alone plants and animals.
I propose the notion, the possibility, based on clear evidence that intelligent design may be at work here. IJS. Open your eyes, ears, nose, heart and mind. We sense so little and know much less. What’s truly amazing is that any of this exists at all. It is truly magnificent to consider the possibilities and imagine. Oh, imagination? No, we better not go there. It can’t be measured, and it just doesn’t fit, and we can’t control it.
P.P.S Wake up and smell the coffee…coffee plants!:))
Take care,