Fall is here again everybody!
Best-Bets for a Fall Garden

While eggplant, or aubergine, are most often considered a vegetable they are, in fact, a fruit. To be specific, they are in the berry family. These versatile vine-ripened fruit are a fan favorite in any season and require a good deal of water, nutrients, and sunlight. Florida has plenty of both sunlight and water, but how can you make certain that your plants are getting the appropriate nutrients? For this, look no further than our Tomatogain. As eggplant is in the same family of Solanaceae with the tomato, they both require similar levels of nutrients. Tomatogain will ensure that your little eggplants are getting what they need by promoting vigorous growth, and high yields while also preventing blossom-end rot and splitting.

Broccoli has always been a favorite on the dinner table. In the same family as kale, and Brussel sprouts, it’s high in iron content and full of wonderful antioxidants. And, as a “super-food,” we’ve put it on our list for Fall-favorites. According to Medical News Today, these foreshortened trees can help fight obesity with their high nutrient content and low calorie count, and even help prevent colon cancer. Here, in Southern Florida, broccoli is a big-time grower this time of year. These annuals all enjoy full sunlight on their broad leaves, plenty of moisture, and room to spread out. Greens grow best when planted in rows and in moist, dark, nutrient-rich soil. Remember, your food eats too and when considering how best to maintain their diet, consider once again our tailor-made produce fertilizer, Tomatogain.

If you’re looking to spice up the holidays but aren’t sure if your peppers will make through the declining temperatures, rest easy. We got you. Sweet peppers, hot peppers, and ornamental peppers are a staple food item for many Floridians, and they grow beautifully here. Most pepper varieties can be planted in spring and harvested midsummer and then replanted again in August through September, they required about 80 days to mature and will produce for several weeks. These fruits are not too finicky about soil but do require plenty of nutrients. For maximum yield, our Tomatogain is an optimal product whether you plant them in a pot or in a garden.
For more information on specific varieties that grow best in Florida, visit the University of Florida’s website: http://gardeningsolutions.ifas.ufl.edu/plants/edibles/vegetables/peppers.html.
From our garden to yours, we wish you a joyful harvest!