Hibiscus plants are native to tropical climates and will thrive in hot and humid conditions year round. However, many plant enthusiasts have successfully grown the hardy hibiscus varieties in colder zones of the country as well. It may be difficult for amateur gardeners to distinct which type of hibiscus tree they own. The easiest way is to observe the hibiscus flower. This plant will produce enormously large flowers with multiple colors in tropical varieties, and smaller blossoms with one color in hardy climates. These plants will have to be stored inside during the winter in cooler weather zones. However, the perennial hibiscus can be cultivated in any climate with appropriate care.
Very effective drainage will become a major part of your regular hibiscus care. Special mixes of perlite, peat moss, bark and soil are available at many garden centers. The use of ordinary garden soil is not recommended. You must pay close attention to the ingredients listed on hibiscus fertilizer labels. Hibiscus fertilization is suggested in frequent small doses. Heavy fertilization will destroy the roots of the plant and ultimately diminish the chances of the plant’s survival. The most effective fertilizing product currently on the market is HibisGain. The same principles apply when using this type of plant nourishment. Small dosages will ensure continuous growth and annual existence. Great care must be implemented with the application of HibisGain. The granules should be spread evenly around the plant without leaving any of the fertilizer remaining on the leaves or the blossoms. This method will prevent any injury to the delicate structure of the plant. The soil immediately surrounding the hibiscus plant should be soaked with water before any application. Supplemental fertilizing products can be used along with the HibisGain to guarantee successful results. Presently, this new product is sold within the United States only and any international orders cannot be accepted.